You completely nailed it! – The exact words of a recent client after we did this 90 minute personal values exercise to find out why she’s not happy in her work.

What I give you is your top SIX personal values. Three are your Idealistic Values; the ones that make you feel happy in your work and give you that warm fuzzy feeling of a job well done. And the other three are what’s called your Operational Values, and these are what will make you stick at something when the going gets tough.

When you have all of these six values present in your work you‘re onto a massive winner. You’ll feel happy and fulfilled AND you’ll stick at it.

It‘s the closest you’re gonna get to inner peace and a lottery win.

Who’s it for?

  • You started your business with wild enthusiasm thinking you and it would be the love affair of the century and, a few months or even years later, the honeymoon period is over and you’re sick of looking at it

  • But you’ve invested so much time, effort and money into it. All those online courses and the days (weeks, months!) you spent on your website. Was it all for nothing?! You’d be mad to just chuck it in now!

  • Or would you?

  • Listen, lovely: My first business was a total flop. I’m not even gonna go into it (because I know you already understand) how much time/effort/money I invested in it, only to watch it never really becoming anything. Sad sad sad.

  • Why did this happen?

  • Because what I was doing wasn‘t QUITE aligned with my purpose. It sort-of was, but not quite. And there’s the crux: To be truly happy in your business and to make it a success, it has to be totally in alignment with your values.

  • You have to understand what makes you tick and then make sure it’s all present in your business.

  • Once I understood this and created a business in true alignment with myself, it’s all going beautifully!

  • This exercise gets these values out of you in just over an hour. We talk on the phone or Skype in-depth and, at the end, I tell you what‘s genuinely, deep-down important to you, so that you can make sure it’s all in place in your business, so that you can be a success. (A happy success.)

  • Just click the big red "I WANNA KNOW MY VALUES" button below. It’ll take you to a payment page, then my calendar where you book yourself in.

  • Stop wondering why things don’t feel quite right and learn exactly what you need to put in place for things to flow for you. You owe it to yourself and to humanity to be alignment with yourself.

You‘ve probably done some sort of values exercise in the past. Oh yes, I value SECURITY and INTEGRITY and RESPECT – or COMMUNICATION and CONNECTION and LOVE. But what do they even mean?

I mean, TANGIBLY, what do those words mean? What can you do with them in relation to your lifestyle and business? Let’s be honest: bugger all.

You don‘t need a list of words telling you that you value honesty and respect or whatever because, frankly, they’re pointless without a detailed understanding of what those words deep-down mean to YOU.

The definition of FREEDOM, for example, differs wildly from person to person. Let me give you an example:

Creativity has an almost infinite meaning. If we identify CREATIVITY as one of your values, we need to understand what it means to you personally, otherwise you could think you need to be an actor or a painter when really you long to be a florist!

I identified recently that a client values CREATIVITY. Nice. Wonderful. What the hell does it mean? On its own? Nothing. But what we further identified was that she enjoys expressing her creativity through graphic design. Now THAT is something she can use!

Let‘s do another: One of the personal values of another client I identified was WELLBEING. Well, that’s a bit vague, isn‘t it? What’s she supposed to do with that? On its own, she can do nothing with it. What I identified for her was that she feels happy when those around her are taking care of their health. (That’s better, eh?)

One more? OK, one client got STRUCTURE as one of his personal values. On its own that word is pretty pointless. What I identified for him is that although he enjoys an element of flexibility in his work, unless there’s an underlying structure to it, he will quit. What a fundamental piece of information that he had NO awareness of until we spoke!

Here’s how it works:

  • You click the big red "I WANT MY 6 KEYS TO SUCCESS" button, you make the payment and book into my calendar (it’s easy)

  • We talk for 60-90 minutes on the phone or Skype. I ask you a load of really repetitive questions and you wonder where the hell we’re going with all this

  • At the end, I give you a list of what’s fundamentally important to you, along with explanations of specifically what they mean for you, so that you can build your business around them so you can finally feel happy

  • You‘re amazed and say things like, "Oh my God, that’s so true, I never realised it!" and "This is the most valuable information anyone has ever given me!"

  • I get off the phone/Skype and cry happy tears for a bit, knowing I’ve just helped someone to transform their life, then I wipe my snot and email your values to you

  • You use the information to change your life

Jenn Cairnie, Editor & Copywriter

“If you haven’t done this exercise with Lisa then you must! I did it and even though I had an idea of what was important to me I never saw it so plainly in front of me before. What clarity! I refer back to my personal values all the time now to see if I’m pursuing what’s right for me. And boy did it light a fire under me when I saw that my values didn’t align at all to my current job. So now I’m off pursuing my higher purpose! Yay!”

Gillian Pollock, Guid Publicaciones

“I met the lovely Lisa Cherry Beaumont just a few days ago and was struck by her vitality and enthusiasm. I’ve just completed a piece of work with her: identifying my key personal values – those things that drive and motivate me. The result is that I now have a list I totally identify with. I can see immediately which value needs working on to help maintain and improve my personal and work life. The list will always be there for me to do a regular values health check to keep me in balance. Lisa is an absolute star! Please do the check, its value is for life.”

“Thank you so much for your email and the resume of the interesting session we’ve had. I knew part of this, but it is very useful to have it so clearly pointed out. I will certainly integrate this in my work and life.”

“Thank you so much for this. I loved the experience; you completely nailed it!”

Your investment: You give me $97 and 90 minutes of answering questions about yourself, and I’ll give you all the answers about yourself that you need to make your business a happy one. It really is that straight forward. Click the red button below.